Sunday, March 27, 2016

Video: Rais magufuri leo amesherekea si kuuu ya Pasaka katika kanisa la KKKT azania front

Rais wa Jamuhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Jonh Pombe Magufuri leo amesherekea si kuuu ya Pasaka katika kanisa la KKKT azania front

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

RC.Paulo Makonda Amenza kazi kama Mkuu mpya wa mkoa wa Dar es salaam leo hii

Friday, January 29, 2016

Pascal Ndege

                                                   Pascal Ndege


“…. Kama moja ya njia za njia Serikali kupunguza matumizi yasiyo ya muhimu kwa kuyaaagiza mashirika ya umma kufuta kabisa posho za vikao na kupunguza posho za kujikimu kwa maafisa wake ili kuonana na zile za watumishi wa Serikali wanaolipwa Shs. 120,000/= kwa maafisa waandamizi wa Serikali.
“…. (mtoa maada anaendelea ....) .... Aidha kwa madhumuni hayo hayo Serikali imeamua kufuta kabisa posho za vikao wanazolipwa wabunge kwa sasa ambayo ni Shs. 220,000/= kwa siku na badala yake imeamua kuwaongezea posho ya kujikimu kutoka Shs. 80,000/= kwa siku wanazolipwa kwa sasa hadi Shs. 120,000/= kwa siku kama ili kulingana na posho wanayolipwa watumishi wengine wa umma ambao malipo yao yanatokana na kodi za wananchi
“Ndugu, wabunge fedha zote zitakazookolwa kutokana na hatua hizi zitaelekezwa katika kuboresha huduma za jamii ikiwemo afya na mpango wa kutoa elimu bure kuanzia shule za awali hadi kidato cha nne.”

…… alaaaah! Kumbe ninaota …….

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ujasiriamali: Kilimo cha konokono maarufu kama Heliciculture,

Kilimo cha konokono kwa ajili ya chakula kimekuwa sana bara la Africa na Asia kuna soko kubwa sana ulaya. Konokono mwitu huwa wanasumu , Mfugaji anaeanza kufuga konokono lazima awatoe sumu kwanza kwa kutumia vyakula kama unga na mbogamboga.

Mazingira ya kufuga konokono hawa lazima iwe sehemu ya ubaridi kidogo mfano chini ya mti au kwenye banda, mabox ya friji mabovu,  au mabox ya mbao.

Bei ya konokono mmoja kwenye soko ni kati ya USDollar 30 hadi 300,
Konokono wakiwa sokoni Italia

Eritrea Imakanusha uvumi kuhusu wanaume kulazimishwa kuoa wake wawili

Waziri wa habari wa Eritrea amekanusha vikali kupita account yake ya mtandao wa Twitter kuhusu Taarifa iliyochapishwa kweny mtandao  wa  Crazy Monday. wa nchini kenya.
In another tweet Mr Yemane said "the story illustrates [the] vileness of the dark forces of disinformation and proclivity of others to readily embrace the negative narrative on Eritrea

KIMEZAMA:KIVUKO cha MV Kilombero 11 kilichonunuliwa kwa mamilioni ya fedha wakati wa. Serikali ya awamu ya tatu

KIVUKO cha MV Kilombero 11 kilichonunuliwa kwa mamilioni ya fedha wakati wa. Serikali ya awamu ya tatu, ili kuwa mkombozi wa wananchi wa Wilaya ya Ulanga kimezama leo na watu wawili hawajapatikana. Waziri wa uchukuzi na Kamati ya maafa wapo eneo la ajali.
Kivuko cha kilombelo kabla ya kuzama kutokana na upepo mkali


Habari kutoka bungeni leo:
Kutokana na Taarifa  ilisombazwa na EA radio. Mbunge wa Musoma mjini amesema kuwa wabunge wa upinzani hawakufata utaratibu wa kibunge kupinga hoja ya serikali  kwa kupeleka taarifa yao katika kamati husika na baadaeTaarifa ingesomwa na kunchangiwa na wabunge. kwa mujibu wa Mh.Daavid Mathayo ni kuwa wabunge wa ccm wameshindwa kuwapa support wabunge wa upinzani baada ya wabunge hao kufanya fujo zisizo na msingi wowote!

Lakini kitu kilichomshangaza mtangazaji wa suppermix maarufu kama zembwela ni kuwa wabunge wa upinzani wamekuwa wakitoka bungeni baada ya kupokea posho zao na  hivyo kumshauri bunge na speaker kuleta karatasi za kusign posho jioni badala ya asubuhi. Ili wanaotoka bungeni wasipewe posho zao za vikao.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Marekani yakumbwa na theluji kubwa

Maeneo makubwa ya mashariki mwa marekani yamefukiwa na theluji kufuatia kuanguka kwa kiwango kikubwa zaidi cha theluji kuwai kushuhudiwa.
Zaidi ya watu milioni 80 katika majimbo 18 wameathirika. Usafiri wa reli na ndege umetatizwa na zaidi ya watu 200,000 kubaki bila umeme.
Maeneo mengine yalishuhudia theluji yenye hadi urefu wa mita moja. Utawala katika mji wa New York unasema marufuku ya usafiri inahitaji kuondolewa licha na mji huo kushuhudia theluji kubwa leo jumapili

Madee kuchoma gari lake leo

Leo kutakuwa na mchezo mkali wa ligi kuu ya England kati ya mabingwa watetezi Chelsea dhidi ya Barcelona.
Msanii Madee ni mmoja wa mashabiki wa Arsenal ambaye leo atakuwa mpinzani mkubwa wa Chelsea.
Katika kuonyesha mapenzi yake kwa klabu yake ya Arsenal, kwenye ukurasa wake wa @Instagram Madee ameahidi kuchoma gari yake moja moto endapo timu yake ya Arsenal itafungwa na Chelsea.
Hivi ndivyo alivyoandika..

John Heche na kamati za bunge

John Heche,

Upangaji wa kamati za bunge umelenga kufanya bunge kuwa chombo kinachosimamiwa na serikali badala ya bunge kuisimamia serikali. kamati ya PAC ambayo kanuni inasema itaongozwa na upinzani wamewekwa ukawa 6 ccm 17 kamati ya Ukimwi ukawa 11 ccm 12, ukiangalia kamati ya LAAC ambayo ni kamati ya hesabu za serikali za mitaa ccm 16 ukawa 6 itakumbukwa pia kwa mujibu wa kanuni kamati hii inaongzwa na upinzani. Hivyo hivyo kwenye kamati ya bajeti na kwingine, wabunge wengi wenye uzoefu na uwezo wameondolewa kwenye kamati ambazo wangepangwa wangesaidia nchi. Kama wewe ni msafi na unataka nchi iende mbele kwa kauli zako za HAPA KAZI TU kwanini unataka kunyamazisha bunge ambacho ni chombo cha wananchi! Kuna mambo mengi sana yanataka kufichwa hapa. Ikumbukwe pia kwamba mambo mengi ya bunge yanaishia kwenye kamati yanayooneka kwenye Bunge la wazi ni kidogo sana.

Membe: Magufuli asiwaendee pupa wafanyabiashara

Aliyekuwa waziri wa Mambo ya nje Mh. Membe ameonya kuwa wafanyabiashara wasiendewe kwa pupa.

Ametanguliza kuwa anaunga mkono mikakati ya ukusanyaji kodi lakini isiwe katika hali ya kukatisha tamaa na kudidimiza uchumi.

Membe ameonya hayo kufuatia malalamiko ya wafanyabiashara kulalamika kuwa baadhi ya mikakati inaelekea kuwadidimiza.

Haya yameandikwa katika magazeti ya leo

Lake Turkana wind power Project employs new wind tower technology: iconic structure to be built.


Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. (OTCQB: SWET) (the "Company"), the inventor of large Solar Wind Downdraft Tower structures capable of producing abundant, inexpensive electricity, today announced that on July 18th, 2015 ("Effective Date"), the Company entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with Elperta Industries Co. Limited in Nairobi, Kenya East Africa ("Elperta") to pursue the finance and development of its thermal downdraft Towers Facilities ("Tower Facility") in Kenya.

Elperta is able to finance, construct, and place in operation such Tower Facility, subject to obtaining necessary consents and approvals and other pre-development activity. Moreover, the developer has already identified potential suitable sites as well as offtake customers in the region.

The agreement signed between the parties sets forth specific terms for SWET to receive development fees and royalties from Tower project(s) in Kenya, while allowing Elperta a 6 month exclusivity period to fully evaluate and vet a specific site identified for the first Tower Facility. Each facility is estimated to have an installed capacity rating of up to 1,250 megawatts.

Ron Pickett, CEO of Solar Wind Energy Tower, commented, "The Company has been in discussions with Elperta and two other potential developers since last fall -- focused on the Lake Turkana region of Kenya, an area the Kenyan government has targeted for energy projects. We have evaluated this site and deemed it adequate to support a Tower project. East Africa needs energy to develop its resources. International organizations and banks are committed to assisting African nations to develop infrastructure projects and energy development is essential."

He continued, "Elperta was ultimately chosen as our development partner given their strong track record, identified potential customer pipeline and ties to various financing opportunities. Upon the completion of strategic development milestones, SWET and Elperta may enter into a long-term agreement where they will have exclusive use of all of our technology, patents, trade secrets, and development know-how, together with technical support, project management and long-term operations and maintenance services to ensure the successful development and utilization of Tower Facilities in the region."

About Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc. Founded in 2010, Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc., and its wholly owned commercializing subsidiary, Solar Wind Energy, Inc., is the inventor of the patented Solar Wind Downdraft Tower, which uses state of the art technologies and construction systems to produce abundant, inexpensive electricity, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the Energy Generation Calculator software which can calculate and predict energy production of a Tower given a site's local weather data. The Company secured the site for its first Tower project in the U.S. in the City of San Luis, Arizona which may be ready for operation as soon as 2018. Under the most recent design specifications, the first Tower in San Luis, Arizona has a design capacity on an hourly basis of up to 1,250 megawatt hours, gross. The Company is also focused on licensing its development know-how and establishing partnerships at home and abroad to propagate Tower development projects in return for licensing fees for territories, development fees during construction, and recurring royalty fees based on the actual kilowatt hours produced by the Tower. Solar Wind Energy has assembled a team of experienced business professionals, engineering and scientific consultants with the proven ability to bring this solution to market.

The Company's core objective and focus is to become a leading enabler of clean, efficient renewable energy to world communities, at a reasonable cost, without the destructive residuals of fossil fuels, while continuing to generate innovative technological solutions to meet tomorrow's electrical power needs. Solar Wind Energy has filed and been issued patents that the Company believes will further enhance this potentially revolutionary technology. Solar Wind Energy Tower, Inc., based in Annapolis, MD, is traded on the OTCQB under the symbol "SWET".

Pascal Edward Ndege The blogger in New Arusha Hotel

                                                                Pascal Edward Ndege

Pius Msekwa: Rais Magufuli hana madaraka kikatiba kuhusu Uchaguzi Zanziba

CLEAR understanding of the fact that under the two-government structure of the Union between former Tanganyika (now Tanzania Mainland), and Zanzibar, and of its Constitutional implications on the powers and authority of the Union President in relation to Zanzibar, is of the utmost importance.

This is because the lack of such understanding can cause, (and in fact has already caused), some unnecessary problems to the Union President and Government, such as the political impasse in Zanzibar which was caused by the decision of the Zanzibar Electoral Commission to countermand the Zanzibar general elections.

These circumstances have led to the action reportedly taken by the American Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation to defer voting on Tanzania’s eligibility to receive the proposed 472.8 US dollars assistance funds to the Union Government, until the problem of the postponed Zanzibar Elections is resolved.

This was in addition to many other urgent calls being made to Union President John Magufuli, urging him to ‘take quick action’ to resolve the Zanzibar impasse. I believe that these developments were based on the lack of a, or clarity, regarding the Constitutional restrictions which have been placed on the Union proper understanding President’s power and authority over “non-Union matters” in relation to Zanzibar; under the unique two-government structure of our Union, which I will endeavour to explain in the paragraphs below.

The distinction between ‘Union’ and ‘non-Union’ matters. The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977, provides a clear distinction between what it designates as “Union matters’ and “non-Union matters” Under this distinction, the President of the United republic is vested with full power and authority over ‘Union matters’ in relation to both Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.

But in relation to ‘non-Union matters’, the President is vested with such power and authority only in relation to Tanzania Mainland, but has no such power or authority over ‘non-Union matters’ in relation to Zanzibar, or, to use the more familiar terminology, the Union President has no such power or authority over Zanzibar’s ‘internal affairs’.

This is because article 102(1) of the same Constitution creates a separate Government for Zanzibar, and vests full power and authority in the Zanzibar Government over all ‘non-Union matters’ in relation to Zanzibar.

This is the unique two-government structure of the Union between former Tanganyika and Zanzibar, which was created in 1964. Zanzibar elections are a ‘non-Union matter’.

The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the fact that the matter of elections for Zanzibar leaders, including the election of the President of Zanzibar and that of the members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives, is a ‘non-Union matter’, therefore Union President Dr John Pombe Magufuli, has no constitutional power or authority to resolve the impasse resulting from the postponement of those elections.

The uniqueness of the two-government structure. The extensive autonomy of Zanzibar within the Union was so intended by the founding fathers of this Union, Presidents Julius Nyerere of the Republic of Tanganyika, and President Abeid Amani Karume of the Peoples’ Republic of Zanzibar; and was deliberately created by them in the original Agreement which established this Union, ordinarily cited as the “Articles of Union”.

The fact that the two-government structure was a unique and unusual form of Union between two countries was fully acknowledged by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who set out to explain, in great detail, the reason why he and President Karume chose this particular Union structure, as follows:- “When two countries unite to form one country, the normal constitutional structure is either a unitary State with one government, or a Federation with three governments.

In the first case, each country abolishes its government, and the new state becomes one country with one government. In the second case, each country retains its government and cedes its power and authority only over certain specified matters to the Federal government.

When Tanganyika and Zanzibar agreed to form one sovereign state, we could have adopted either of these two usual structures, but we felt unable to do so, because of the small size of Zanzibar compared with that of Tanganyika.

Zanzibar had at that time 300,000 people, while Tanganyika had 12,000,000 people. A Union with one government would give the impression that Tanganyika had swallowed Zanzibar.

We could not allow this, because we had been fighting for the independence and unity of Africa, but we certainly did not want to create the impression, even erroneously, that we were introducing a new form of imperialism!

For that reason, I opposed a one-government structure. . . We had to find a system which would remove this fear of Zanzibar having been swallowed by Tanganyika.

And that is what we actually did. That is the origin of our two-government structure. Instead of acting like fools and simply copying an existing formula, we looked at our objective situation and worked out a more appropriate structure”.

We are all aware of the numerous failed attempts which have been made at different periods, in order to change this structure, starting with the Nyalali Commission in 1991; followed by the G.55 group of Parliamentarians in 1993, the Kisanga Commission, in 1998, and the Warioba Commission in 2014.

The supremacy of the Constitution Every person, including the President, has the duty and obligation to observe and to abide by the provisions of the Constitution. The rule of law concept requires that where certain specified powers are expressly vested in a specified leader without any provision for their delegation to any other person, they can only be exercised by the leader so specified, to the exclusion of all other persons.

Because of the unique two-government structure of our Union, the Union President (and the Union Government) are expressly excluded from exercising any power or authority over all non-Union matters relating to Zanzibar. And if we may repeat for the sake of emphasis, the matter of elections of Zanzibar leaders is a “non-Union matter”, a provision which must be respected.

Regarding the importance of observing the Constitution, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere said the following in his book titled “our Leadership and the Destiny of Tanzania” : “It is of vital importance to the peace of this country, and to the possibilities of harmonious development, that all the provisions of the Constitution, as it stands at any one time, should be respected and honoured by all authorities in both parts of the Union.

It is therefore the primary responsibility of the President of the United Republic, and of the Union Government under his leadership, to ensure that the Constitution is respected by preventing its violation.

Tyrannies and dictatorships do not have Constitutions (or if they have them on paper, they are disregarded and irrelevant in practice) But for countries like ours, which are trying to have accountable and democratic governments, their Constitution is the bulwark, or fortress, of their continued existence as a democracy.

Once their leaders allow to be disregarded, the democratic system of their nations are put at the mercy of charlatans and crooks. They thus set foot on the slippery path to dictatorship”.

In the light of what I have endeavoured to explain, it becomes clear that any pressure being put on President John Magufuli to use his authority to resolve the political impasse in Zanzibar, is based on the lack of understanding of this constitutional restriction on his authority in relation to the internal affairs of Zanzibar.
SOURCE: Dailynews.

Gesi yapeleka uwekezaji wa kihistoria Mkoa wa Lindi

NEEMA ya gesi ambayo imekuwa ikizungumzwa, inatarajiwa kubadili Mkoa wa Lindi, kupitia uwekezaji mkubwa ambao haujawahi kutokea katika historia wa miradi nchini, wenye thamani ya inayofikia zaidi ya dola za Marekani bilioni 60 na kutoa ajira karibu 20,000.

Taarifa za wadau wa miradi hiyo, ikiwemo Shirika la Maendeleo ya Petroli Tanzania (TPDC), zilizowasilishwa kwa wawakilishi wa wananchi mkoani Lindi wiki hii, zimebainisha kuwa miradi hiyo inahusu ujenzi wa Mradi wa Kusindika Gesi (LNG) na Kiwanda cha Mbolea.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa za TPDC, tayari ardhi imepatikana hekta 2,071 kwa ajili ya mradi wa LNG, huku hekta zingine 20,000 zinazozunguka eneo la mradi huo, zikitengwa kwa ajili ya viwanda.

Kwa sasa kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo, TPDC imeshatwaa ardhi hiyo na kazi inayofanyika ni kufanya uthamini wa mali za wananchi wachache walio katika eneo hilo, kulipa fidia na kuwahamisha.

Mradi LNG
Akizungumza na wawakilishi hao, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa TPDC, Dk James Mataragio, amesema kwa kuwa gesi iliyogundulika baharini inayofikia kiasi cha futi za ujazo trilioni 47, ni nyingi na ikivunwa mahitaji ya ndani hayawezi kuimaliza, watalazimika kuiuza nje ya nchi na kuongezea Taifa mapato.

Kutokana na umuhimu huo wa kuuza gesi nje, Dk Mataragio alisema kitaalamu rasilimali hiyo inapaswa kutolewa kwenye visima na kufikishwa katika mtambo huo wa LNG, ambao utaigeuza kuwa kimiminika, ili ifae kuingizwa katika matangi na kusafirishwa kwa meli kwenda katika masoko mbalimbali duniani.

Akifafanua zaidi Mkurugenzi wa Utafiti wa TPDC, Kelvin Komba alisema mtambo huo utaipooza gesi itakayovunwa mpaka nyuzi joto sifuri na kuipooza zaidi mpaka nyuzi joto hasi 100, ndipo inakuwa kimiminika na kufaa kusafirishwa kwenda maeneo mbalimbali duniani.

Uwekezaji wenyewe
Taarifa za makampuni yanayoshirikiana katika ujenzi wa mtambo huo ambayo ni TPDC, BG Group, Ophir Energy, Statoil, ExxonMobil na Pavilion Energy, zimeeleza kuwa thamani ya mradi huo ni kuanzia dola za Marekani bilioni 30 mpaka dola bilioni 60.
Akifafanua ukubwa wa uwekezaji wenyewe, Makamu wa Rais wa BG Group Tanzania, Sera, John Ulanga kwa niaba ya wawekezaji hao, amesema Bajeti ya Serikali ya Tanzania ni kama dola za Marekani bilioni 10 mpaka 15, kwa hiyo uwekezaji huo ni sawa na kukusanya mapato ya Serikali kwa miaka minne, yasitumike popote, isipokuwa Lindi.
Ajira Mbali na ukubwa wa mradi kwa maana ya kiwango cha fedha kitakachowekezwa, Mkurugenzi wa Utafiti wa TPDC, Komba alisema wakati wa ujenzi wa mradi huo utakaochukua miaka minne mpaka saba, kutatolewa ajira za moja kwa moja zinazokadiriwa kufikia 15,000.
Baada ya ujenzi, wakati wa uendeshaji wa mradi huo kwa mujibu wa Komba, ajira katika mradi huo zitakazotolewa ni za watu 5,000.
Mbali na ajira, Komba ametaja fursa zingine zitakazotokana na uwekezaji huo unaotarajiwa kuanza wakati wowote, kwamba ni huduma kwa wafanyakazi hao ikiwemo usafirishaji wa bidhaa mbalimbali.
Nyingine ni fursa za ukuzaji wa biashara mkoani Lindi, upanuzi wa makazi, ongezeko la mahitaji ya umeme, fursa za kampuni za ulinzi na uanzishwaji wa vyuo vya mafunzo mbalimbali ya taaluma zinazohitajika.
Pia kutakuwa na fursa kwa kampuni za ujenzi kwa ajili ya kazi mbalimbali za ujenzi, uunganishaji vyuma, mahitaji makubwa ya vifaa vya ujenzi ikiwemo saruji, vyuma, vifaa vya umeme na mengine.
Mradi huo pia utatoa fursa za huduma za forodha na uhamiaji, huduma za viwanja vya ndege, uboreshaji wa bandari, huduma za benki, afya, elimu, bima, kreni za kupandisha mizigo katika majengo marefu, huduma za mawasiliano na zingine nyingi.
Mradi mwingine Mbali na mradi huo wa kusindika gesi, TPDC kupitia ubia, inatarajia kuanza ujenzi wa kiwanda cha mbolea katika Wilaya ya Kilwa, kitakachohitaji uwekezaji mwingine wa dola za Marekani bilioni 2, ambacho kitatoa ajira zingine 5,000.
Tayari TPDC imeshaingia mkataba na makampuni matatu ya Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH ya Ujerumani, Fauji Fertilizer ya Pakistan na Haldor Topsoe ya Denmark, kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa kiwanda hicho.
Baada ya mkataba huo kwa mujibu wa taarifa hizo, TPDC na washirika hao wataunda kampuni ya pamoja itakayoitwa Tanzania Mbolea and Petrochemical Company (TMPC), ambayo itazalisha tani 2,200 za mbolea ya ammonia kwa siku na tani 3,850 za mbolea ya urea kwa siku.
TPDC katika mradi huo kwa mujibu wa taarifa hizo ambazo gazeti hili linazo, itaanza kumiliki asilimia tano ya hisa kwa kutoa eneo lake la ardhi na taratibu, itanunua hisa mpaka kufikia asilimia 40 ya hisa.
Mbolea ya mradi huo, inatarajiwa kuuzwa nchi za Afrika Mashariki na Kusini mwa Ikweta, ambazo zimekuwa zikiagiza mbolea nje ya eneo hilo.
Tayari utafiti umeonesha kuwa kiwanda hicho kitakachotumia gesi kuzalisha mbolea, kitakuwa na soko la bidhaa hiyo la nchini linalofikia tani 204,527 za mbolea; Uganda tani 18,510; Kenya tani 276,878; Zambia tani 200,411; Malawi tani 376,862; Madagascar tani 21,157; Afrika Kusini tani 585,419 na Msumbiji tani 48,392.

Waendesha Bodaboda wa Dodoma waenda Kwa Mh. Lowassa

Waendesha Boda boda wa mkoa wa Dodoma wamefika nyumbani kumsalimia mh. Lowassa baada ya kumuona akitoka kanisani asubuhi hii. Hii inadhirisha baado Mh. Lowassa yupo mwoyoni kwa Watanazania

Utupu wa wanawake umekuwa nongwa kwenye luninga

Habari wana JF wenzangu, Nimeguswa kuleta uzi huu kwenu baada ya kuona kama inakuwa mazoea na hakuna anayepiga kelele kuhusu udhalilishaji huu. Kumekuwa na wimbi la wasanii wa bongo fleva kutoa video zinazoonesha wanawake wakiwa watupu, tena bila aibu wakitegemea ziangaliwe kwenye public wakati zipo too pornographic. Huku ni kudhalilisha wanawake, na ukiangalia asilimia kubwa ya wanaosifia ni wanaume, wakisahau kwamba wana dada zao, mama zao na binti zao, vipi wangekuwa miongoni mwa hao wanaojianika utupu, wangesifia the same way? Video hizo ni Zigo wa AY, Asanteni kwa kuja wa FA, na Achia body wa Ommy Dimpoz, ni udhalilishaji kwa wanawake na wasipodhibitiwa kweli tunaelekea pabaya. Mamlaka na taasisi husika hawalioni hili? Taasisi za kutetea haki za wanawake nazo hazilioni hili? Mwisho naomba Mheshimiwa Nape atusaidie kwa hili.

Ubaguzi wa rangi kwenye kubeba boksi Ulaya

Hii hali sometimes inanisikitisha sana na inanifanya nitamani homu. Kamwe muafrika mweusi hatutaheshimiwa. Black person is the most least respected person.

Kuna ubaguzi sana wa rangi Scandinavia hata kwenye kuajiri low skilled or unskilled labour ama ubebaji boksi. Hawa jamaa wako comfortable sana kufanya kazi na more light skinned person. Inawachukua mda mrefu sana kumuamini nigga kazini.

Mimi niko active kwenye gemu toka mid 2009 wananipenda ndio na kuniamini lakini hii mentality yao towards black people kwenye kubeba boksi kamwe haitaisha na inaniuma.

Ila siwalaumu sana utakuta wengi hawajasafiri barani au ni mentality waliozaliwa nayo na kulelewa na wazazi wao. Pia manigga kazini ethics za kazi ni zero wizi wizi kutongoza bila mpangilio uvivu kulalamika.

Wanepali Bangladeshi Vietnamese chinese n.k wanatupa upinzani mkubwa.

Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them”- US author writes scathing article…gives 15 reasons why real men shouldn’t date single mothers

An American author named Shawn James this week wrote a controversial essay titled ‘Why Real Men Avoid Single Mothers’ – detailing 15 reasons why men should not date single mothers. It’s got people talking. Read below and tell us what you think…(If you’re a single mother, you won’t like this..:-))
1. Never Available. A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last minute. Something always gets in the way of a man spending time with her. It’s hard to have a relationship with her because she’s never there.
2. YOU are NOT a priority. Usually in a relationship the man winds up DEAD LAST. Behind, her kids, her job, the car, the kitchen sink, the stopped up toilet. Even the dog gets more attention and affection than a man involved with a single mother. Any man who gets involved with a single mother winds up a fifth stringer in a relationship. And he rarely ever gets called up to play.
3. Thinks the world revolves around HER and ONLY HER. A single mother is one of the biggest narcissists on the dating scene. She often thinks that a man has to drop everything in his life to be part of hers and her kids. They’re so selfish they don’t think a man has needs, wants or a life of his own. He’s just supposed to be there to give her everything she wants in life.
4. Emotionally Unavailable- Most Single mothers cannot form an intimate connection with a man because her feelings are invested in other people. Usually her primary focus is on her children.
In addition to dedicating herself to her children, most single mothers have given their hearts to someone else- their children’s father. And those feelings she still has for him will always prevent her from getting closer to you. There will always be some distance between a single mother and the new man in her life.
5. The ex/ Baby Daddy is ALWAYS THERE. A man just doesn’t deal with a single mother. He deals with her ex or her baby daddy as well. And this guy is always hovering around like a helicopter looking to c*ckblock you. Some of these guys still think they have a shot at getting back with her. Others just don’t want to see her happy. A lot of these dudes want to f!ght over her.
Seriously, it’s a game they’re playing with each other. And they’ll be playing that game with each other until their children turn 18 or 21. Head for the exit. It’s just not worth dealing with this fool and his insecure bullshyt.
6. The kids are working AGAINST YOU When dealing with a single mother you also deal with Kids. Kids who still in their little heart of hearts think that Dad will come back and love them.
7. Those kids will HATE YOU. They will act out to keep you from getting closer to mommy. They will make accusations against you to get you in trouble. Again, it’s just not worth dealing with the bullsh*t to get with a female. There are four billion women in the world. You can find a quality female who doesn’t carry all this baggage or give you this much grief.
8. Entitled attitude Single mothers think because she had a baby out of wedlock the world owes her EVERYTHING. And she thinks she’s the one who deserves the best. Even though she’s usually collecting welfare, food stamps, or child support, in eyes she’s still supposed to be treated like she’s a queen because she popped a kid out of her v*gina.
In their deluded distorted vision of the world Men are still supposed to take her out to the finest restaurants and buy them lots of expensive stuff. And he’s supposed to take care of her kids too, buying them whatever they want while taking a blind eye to their bad behavior.
9. Distorted self-image Single mothers still thinks she’s as sexy like she was before she had a baby. Only she doesn’t understand how her body has changed. In some cases for the worse.
Single mothers are the type to try to squeeze themselves into sexy outfits like low-rise jeans and cropped T-shirts to show off their belly button, not seeing the muffin top and stretch marks squeezing out over the top of their pants. They’re the type to stuff themselves into slinky spandex dresses, (not aware of that gut, and the cellulite on their asses) and head out to the club. She thinks men are supposed to run up on her offering to buy her drinks. And because a few thirsty simps step to her, she thinks she’s still got it. But the only people who wants what she has to offer are scavengers at the bottom of the social scene.
10. Always the victim. Single Mothers never take responsibility for their actions. The situation they’re in is always the fault of that “no good man”, “these damn kids” their mother or someone else. They never take any time to do any self-examination or make any efforts to change their lives. They’re still looking for some Rich Incredibly Handsome Man™ to put on a cape and play Captain Save-A-Hoe™, sweep her off her feet and take her out of the troubling situation she helped make.
11. Jekyll & Hyde Personality. A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUTJOB. A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting she’ll yell at them and bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel.
It’s all an act. Heaven will turn into Hell around the six month mark.
Once a single mother gets a man settled into her life it’s not common for her to start verbally abusing him and mocking him as she projects all that pent-up rage from those previous failed relationships onto him. And it’s usually around this point that most men realize why this woman is single and why it’s time for him to hit the exit door.
12. Drama Queen. Because a single mother always sees herself as a victim of society, she’s always talking about her problems. And she always has a new trouble to bring everyone. There’s never a good day in the life of a single mother because there’s always some new crisis about to emerge in her life.
The reason single mothers need the drama is because it makes them feel important. It makes people pay attention to them. And when Captain-Save-A-Hoe™ is doting on them trying to solve their problems it makes them feel an artificial sense of value. They need that value to deflects people’s attention from how pathetic their lives actually are.
Manipulative In most cases, a single mother has no interest in a man she’s dating. In a lot of cases she’s just using a guy as a pawn.
13. In most cases she’s dating to make her Baby Baddy jealous. Deep down in her heart of hearts she believes that if she’s seen with someone else who sees her as valuable that he’ll see her as valuable and take her back.
In other cases when she’s not trying to get a rise out of Baby Daddy she’s playing the sympathy card™ using a guy to get gifts, free dinners and free drinks out of him. To a single mother, The men in her lives are just human ATM machines where she whispers a sweet nothing in his ear like a PIN number and money comes out of his wallet.
And because she’s a drama queen who loves to play the victim, the Single mother plays to men’s emotions to get them to react in the way she wants. It’s not common for a single mother to tell her man man about her baby daddy so he can go f!ght him. Or pit two baby daddies against each other. Many a man has wound up either dead or in prison because a single Mother played the victim card™.
14. Dishonest. A single mother is a LIAR. It’s how she gets what she wants. It’s how she manipulates people. It’s how she takes care of her kids. It’s how she survives in this world.
Single mothers lie. And they LIE ALL THE TIME. They lie to men about their age, their height, their weight, how many kids they have, the job they do.
On top of the lies they tell to others They lie to themselves. They lie about about how beautiful they are. They lie telling themselves they’re still a catch. They lie telling themselves they still have a chance with a good man. They lie telling themselves that their lives will be happily ever after one day.
The horrible truth is without those lies most of those single mothers would realize how pathetic their lives are. How they have no options in the dating scene. That they’re at the bottom of the barrel in the dating scene and the only men who want them are pathetic Manginas and thirsty Simps.
15. Carries Baggage, baggage and more baggage A single mother has more issues than Time and Newsweek combined. And when she’s looking for a man, she’s not looking for an equal caring partner. She’s looking for a Pullman Porter™ to take care of her kids, and clean up her messes with her childrens’ father. Brothers, don’t let yourself get sized up for the white jacket and the bow tie!
Anyway, dealing with a single mother is like walking through a minefield. After several months of being involved with her, it leaves a man anxious and tense because he doesn’t know where to step that won’t lead to an explosion that k!lls him.
That’s why Real Men avoid single mothers like disease.
Real men understand life is too short to put up with someone’s drama and their emotional baggage. We only have a limited time on God’s Earth and who wants to spend it being a Pullman Porter cleaning up someone else’s messes. As I stated before in a previous blog, let that woman take her run over Jimmy Choos and clean up her own mess. She made her bed, now let her lie in the wet spot.
Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them. There are four billion women in this world. If you’re patient, you’ll find a good one.



Mamlaka ya Huduma za Nishati na Maji (EWURA) inapenda kutoa taarifa halisi kuhusiana na mwenendo wa bei za mafuta katika soko la dunia na la hapa nchini. Kati ya majukumu ambayo EWURA imepewa ni kuweka bei KIKOMO za mafuta aina ya petroli katika soko la hapa nchini, utaratibu ulioanza rasmi Januari 6, mwaka 2009 baada ya kutokea hali ya kukosekana uhalisia wa bei za mafuta katika soko la ndani ikilinganishwa na mwenendo wa bei katika soko la dunia. Matokeo yake ni kuwa watumiaji mafuta walikuwa wakinunua mafuta kwa bei isiyo halisi (2,200/= kwa lita) katika miezi ya mwisho mwaka 2008, na pia uchumi wa nchi uliathirika na mwenendo huu wa bei. EWURA ilishusha bei hizo hadi kufikia 1,140/= baada ya kuanza kupanga bei mwezi Januari 2009.

Pamoja na kwamba bei za mafuta katika soko la dunia ndicho kigezo kikubwa cha upangaji wa bei katika soko la ndani, kuna gharama zinazoambatana na uagizaji mafuta hayo hapa nchini, kama vile gharama za usafirishaji, faida za waagizaji mafuta, kodi za Serikali, gharama za bandari na tozo za mamlaka mbalimbali nk. Kwa bei za Januari 2016, kwa mfano, mchango wa bei hizi za ndani unaochangiwa na bei za mafuta masafi katika soko la dunia ni: Petroli 46.60%, Dizeli 47.82% na Mafuta ya Taa 49.83%. Lazima ifahamike kuwa bei zinazooneshwa kwenye mitandao mbalimbali ni bei za Mafuta GHAFI (Crude Oil) ambayo yakisafishwa hutoa petroli, dizeli, mafuta ya taa na ndege, gesi ya kupikia (LPG), oil, lami n.k. EWURA inaweka bei hizi kwa kuangalia bei halisia ya mafuta yaliyosafishwa na si mafuta ghafi.


Mafuta ghafi (crude oil) yanaponunuliwa katika soko la Dunia inabidi yapelekwe kwenye viwanda vya kusafishia mafuta (refineries) ili kupata mafuta safi. Hatua hii huchukua takriban miezi miwili mafuta hayo kutufikia sisi kama walaji hapa Tanzania.

Bei za mafuta katika soko la ndani hukokotolewa kwa kutumia gharama halisi za uagizaji mafuta nchini ambazo hutokana na meli za mafuta yaliyopokelewa katika mwezi husika, ambayo huwa yamenunuliwa mwezi wa nyuma yake. Hivyo uhusiano wa bei za soko la dunia kwa mafuta masafi na za soko la ndani huwa ni kwa kupishana kwa miezi miwili kama inavyoainishwa na Jedwali Na. 1.0. Aidha, uhusiano wa bei za mafuta ghafi katika soko la dunia na bei za hapa nchini huwa ni kwa wastani wa miezi mitatu au zaidi.

Jedwali Na.1 Uhusiano wa bei za mafuta masafi katika soko la dunia na soko la ndani
Jedwali 1.PNG

Bei za mafuta hapa nchini hupangwa na Mamlaka ya EWURA kwa kutumia kanuni (formula) maalum ambayo inatayarishwa kwa kuzingatia uhalisia wa vigezo husika. Aidha, utayarishaji wa kanuni hii huhusisha wadau wote na kisha kuchapishwa katika gazeti la Serikali baada ya kupitishwa na Bodi ya EWURA.

Katika kipindi cha mwaka 2014 hadi Januari 2016 bei za mafuta katika soko la Dunia zimeendelea kushuka. Kushuka kwa bei za mafuta katika soko la dunia kutaendelea kushusha bei hapa nchini japo si wakati ule ule. Aidha ni muhimu kuzingatia kuwa bei za mafuta masafi katika soko la dunia huchangia takriban asilimia 46 mpaka 49 ya bei katika soko la ndani (kwa bei za Januari 2016), hivyo kushuka huko hakuwezi kuwa na uwiano wa asilimia mia na kushuka kwa bei

katika soko la ndani. EWURA itaendelea kutimiza wajibu wake kisheria katika sekta ndogo ya mafuta hapa nchini ikiwemo upangaji wa bei kikomo za mafuta, na pia kusimamia bei hizo katika maeneo yote nchini.

Ni vizuri ikakumbukwa pia kwamba hata hivi karibuni, bei za mafuta katika soko la Tanzania zimekuwa zikishuka kufuata mwenendo wa bei za mafuta katika soko la dunia kama ifuatavyo:
a) Bei ya petroli ilishuka toka kiwango cha juu zaidi, mwezi Septemba 2014, Shillingi 2,267 kufikia shillingi 1,898 kwa lita mwezi Januari 2016, hii ikiwa ni kupunguka kwa Shillingi 369 kwa lita.

b) Bei ya dizeli ilishuka toka kiwango cha juu zaidi, mwezi Aprili 2014, shillingi 2,149 kufikia shillingi 1,747 kwa lita mwezi Januari 2016, hii ikiwa ni kupunguka kwa shillingi 402 kwa lita.

c) Bei ya mafuta ya taa ilishuka toka kiwango cha juu Zaidi, mwezi Februari 2014 shillingi 2,069 kufikia shillingi 1,699 kwa lita mwezi Januari 2016. Hii ni sawa na punguzo la shillingi 370 kwa lita.

Punguzo hilo la bei limepatikana licha ya ongezeko la kodi ya Serikali la Shilingi 100 kwa lita ya mafuta na kushuka kwa thamani ya Shilingi ilishuka dhidi ya Dola ya Marekani ambapo katika mwaka 2015, thamani ya Shilingi dhidi ya Dola ilishuka kwa asilimia 30 toka Shilingi 1,729 kwa Dola ya mwezi Januari 2015 kufikia Shilingi 2,254 kwa dola mwezi Agosti 2015 na baada ya hapo thamani ya Shilingi imepanda kufikia Shilingi 2,158 mwezi Disemba 2015.

Kanuni ya kukokotoa bei za mafuta ni ya wazi, siyo siri, na huandaliwa kwa mchakato ambao ni shirikishi na huhusisha wadau mbali mbali ikiwa ni pamoja na vyombo vya Serikali, wafanyabiashara wa mafuta na pia wawakilishi wa watumiaji wa mafuta. Kanuni inaelekeza kuwa kabla EWURA haijafanya mabadiliko yoyote ni lazima utaratibu huu uzingatiwe, isipokuwa kwa maamuzi ambayo yanapitishwa na Serikali, hususan kodi na tozo mbali mbali. Kunapotokea mabadiliko ya kodi au tozo za Serikali, EWURA hufanya mabadiliko husika mara moja, baada ya kupata waraka husika kutoka Serikalini.

Kushuka kwa bei za mafuta katika soko la dunia kutaendelea kushusha bei hapa nchini japo si wakati ule ule, kwamba yakishuka leo, kesho yanashuka hapa nchini.

Aidha kumekuwa na upotoshaji kwamba EWURA haishushi bei za mafuta kwa kuwa kushuka kwake kutaadhiri mapato yake. Ukweli ni kwamba tozo ya EWURA inatokana na lita za mafuta na si bei, kwa maana kwamba iwapo EWURA ingetaka mapato mengi, basi ingeongeza wingi wa lita za mafuta yanayoingia hapa nchini, na si kutegemea kupanda kwa bei. Hivyo basi kushuka au kupanda kwa bei hakuna uhusiano wowote na ongezeko la tozo kwa EWURA.

Imetolewa na Felix Ngamlagosi
Mkurugenzi Mkuu - EWURA

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kenya:Idara ya Polisi yasisitiza ina mshikamano thabiti

Habari News Tanzania

Inside the El Adde attack, account of 9 hour battle between KDF and al Shabaab

Habari News Tanzania

Inside the El Adde attack, account of 9 hour battle between KDF and al Shabaab

16,295 views 1 day ago
Last weeks attack on the Kenyan military base in Somalia will go down as the worst in the history of the Kenya Defense Forces.

So far, there have been no official figures on how many soldiers were killed, though unconfirmed reports indicate the casualty numbers could be in double or triple figures.

RT journalist attacked by knife-wielding gang in Calais

Habari News Tanzania

RT journalist attacked by knife-wielding gang in Calais

27,795 views 19 hours ago
RT UK's journalist Rob Edwards was attacked by a gang of knife-wielding Arabs in the refugee hub of Calais. He made a narrow escape after being pinned down. READ MORE:


Habari News Tanzania

Celine shares her grief as the public remembers Angelil

Habari News Tanzania


Habari News Tanzania
Mwigizaji wa sinema za Kibongo, Steven Mengere ‘Steve Nyerere’.
MWANDISHI WETU Risasi Jumamosi
Msala! Mwigizaji wa sinema za Kibongo, Steven Mengere ‘Steve Nyerere’ amedaiwa kuhenyeshwa polisi kutoka na msala wa rafiki yake kuaminiwa fedha za matengenezo ya gari na kuanza ‘kupiga karenda’ matengenezo hayo bila sababu za msingi.

Chanzo makini kimeeleza kuwa, miezi kadhaa iliyopita, Steve alimpeleka rafiki yake aitwaye Mohamed maarufu kwa jina la Mo kwa tajiri wake (jina tunalihifadhi) kisha akamtambulisha kuwa anafanya shuguli za kuuza na kutengeneza magari ndipo Mo alipotumia mwanya huo kuchukua fedha na kumzungusha tajiri huyo.
“Tajiri alivyotambulishwa na Steve kwamba Mo ni rafiki yake, wakabadilishana namba za simu na ndipo siku moja huyo tajiri akampa Mo dili la kutengeneza gari yake iliyokuwa imegongwa kwa shilingi milioni 13, Mo akachukua hela lakini kila akiulizwa lini gari itatoa, hatoi majibu.
“Akawa anapiga chenga, mara niko Sauz mara niko wapi. Sasa huwezi amini tajiri akahisi Steve naye amehusika. Ikabidi ampeleke Polisi Oystebay, akahenyeshwa kwelikweli ili aeleze ukweli anavyomfahamu Mo lakini bahati nzuri akaachiwa baada ya polisi kujidhirisha,” kilisema chanzo hicho.
Alipoulizwa Steve kuhusiana na tukio hilo, hakutaka kufafanua kwa undani zaidi akamuomba mwandishi wetu aachane nalo akidai ‘soo’ hilo wameshalimaliza Mo na huyo tajiri.
“Mi naomba tu uachane nayo hiyo ishu, wameshamalizana wenyewe, lipotezee,” alisema Steve na kukata simu

Sakata la Escrow:‘Vigogo Escrow’ kuongoza Kamati za Bunge

Habari News Tanzania

PIKA wa Bunge la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Job Ndugai jana alitangaza majina ya wajumbe wa kamati mbalimbali za Bunge mjini hapa.
Baadhi ya wajumbe wamehamishwa katika kamati walizokuwa awali ikiwemo Kamati ya Hesabu za Serikali ambayo Mwenyekiti wake alikuwa Zitto Kabwe, sasa amewekwa katika Kamati ya Huduma na Maendeleo ya Jamii.
Ndugai alisema orodha hiyo pia imejumuisha wabunge ambao hawakuomba kupangwa katika kamati zozote na wale ambao wameomba kamati moja. Alisema Spika , Naibu Spika , Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali na Kiongozi wa Upinzani ni wajumbe wa Kamati ya Kanuni za Bunge.
Aliwataja wajumbe wa Kamati ya Uongozi kuwa ni pamoja na Spika Job Ndugai (Mwenyekiti), Dk Tulia Akson (Makamu Mwenyekiti), Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa, Mwanasheria Mkuu George Masaju, Freeman Mbowe ( Mjumbe wa Kamati ya Bajeti pamoja na Kamati ya Kanuni ya Bunge).
Wengine ni Mwenyekiti wa Haki Maadili na Madaraka ya Bunge, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Masuala ya Ukimwi, Mwenyekiti Kamati ya Bajeti, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Viwanda Biashara na Mazingira, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Katiba na Sheria, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Utawala na Serikali za Mitaa na Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Huduma na Maendeleo ya Jamii.
Wajumbe wengine ni Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Ardhi Maliasili na Utalii, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Kilimo, Mifugo na Maji pamoja na Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Miundombinu.
Wajumbe wengine ni Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Nishati na Madini, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Mambo ya Nje, Ulinzi na Usalama , Mwenyekiti wa Sheria Ndogondogo, Mwenyekiti wa Kamati za Hesabu na Serikali za Mitaa , Mwenyekiti wa Hesabu za Serikali na Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Uwekezaji wa Mitaji ya Umma.

Donald Trump retweets 'White Genocide' Twitter user

Habari News Tanzania

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's penchant for retweets once again raised eyebrows, after he recirculated a tweet on Friday from a user with the handle "WhiteGenocideTM."
The profile -- with about 2,300 followers -- used the name "Donald Trumpovitz," linked to a website containing a pro-Adolf Hitler documentary, featured a background photo with red lettering saying "Get the F--- Out of My Country" and had a location of "Jewmerica." The account also includes a photo of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.
The account's Twitter feed was largely a collection of retweets about violence allegedly committed by African-American suspects and anti-Arab posts.
The tweet Trump actually reposted from the user, however, was a photoshopped image of the GOP front-runner's opponent Jeb Bush, depicting him as a disheveled beggar outside Trump Tower.
As he always does, Trump manually retweeted the user, meaning he copied and pasted the full tweet into his post rather than clicking a button to send the tweet to his followers.
"@WhiteGenocideTM: @realDonaldTrump Poor Jeb. I could've sworn I saw him outside Trump Tower the other day!" the tweet read. 

Trump has repeatedly gotten heat for his retweets, which all appear to be selected specifically by his account. When he retweeted a post insulting Iowans in October, he apologized and blamed an intern for the mistake.

Apple plans to launch iPhone 5SE in March, works to mix old design with new hardware

Habari News Tanzania

We have heard a lot about Apple's supposed cheaper iPhone coming this year. But until now all this information has been part of rumours. On Friday night 9to5Mac, which is almost the final word on Apple products before the company officially launches the products, reported that Cupertino-based company was working on the iPhone 5SE. The phone would likely launch in March though if there is some delay, the launch may get pushed to early April.
The iPhone 5SE -- the SE likely stands for special edition -- will be a mix of Apple's old technology seen in the iPhone 5 and the new stuff that the company put inside the iPhone 6 and the 6S.
The iPhone 5SE will have the same 4-inch screen size with the same resolution. It will also have the same familiar iPhone 5S design but with one change -- instead of chamfered edges it will have the curved glass similar to what we see on the iPhone 6.
Internally, however, there are supposedly bigger changes. The iPhone 5SE will use Apple's A8 processor along with the M8 co-processor. It will likely have 16GB internal storage and 1GB RAM. It will also have the same 8-megapixel rear camera that did duty inside the iPhone 6.
Internally, the device is named N69. It will also come with support for NFC, Live Photos and WiFi AC. Although there will be no 3D touch on this phone.
All of this is ought to be a bitter sweet news for those who were waiting for the "cheaper iPhone". In a way, the iPhone 5SE, as per the latest report, looks like a fairly capable device. The internal hardware sure seems to be very good. Despite its age, the A8 processor is still among the fastest mobile processors in the market right now. The same can be said for the 8-megapixel camera inside the iPhone 6. The design of the iPhone 5 too is attractive (although a little boxy) and if Apple is using the same design, that will to many. However, the 4-inch screen could be a deal breaker.
But here is the interesting bit. According to 9to5Mac report, Apple is not targeting mainstream or budget shooters with the iPhone 5SE. Instead it primarily wants to attract those who prefer smaller screens and those who have an older iPhone but haven't upgraded to new ones because they find the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6S too big.
As far as the "cheap" iPhone part goes, don't get your hopes too high. While in India, the iPhone 5S is nowadays selling for a price of around Rs.22,000, its official price remains $450. And the 9to5Mac report says that once iPhone 5SE is in the market, the 5S would be discontinued and its place will be taken by the new phone. So, in India the iPhone 5SE may not cost less than Rs.30,000 at its launch

January Mkamba's last tweet: Unajua tweet ya mwisho ya january makamba?

Habari News Tanzania

5 Nov 2015
I don't do vacations, but this time I'm taking some days off to recharge and prepare to effectively represent Bumbuli in the Parliament.

Nahitaji Soko la pilipili hoho

Habari News Tanzania

Nahitaji Wateja wa ndani na nje niwauzie pilipili hoho,nina mzigo wa kutosha,kila wiki,na kila mwezi kwa muda wa mwaka Mzima kuanzia mwezi huu wa kwanza mpaka mwezi wa kwanza tena 2017.

Kwa yeyote anayejua au anataarifa soko lilipo naomba anisaidie kunipa taarifa mapema sana.
Mimi Niko mbeya Tanzania 

News: Basi la BM la Dar-Morogoro, wengi wamekufa

Habari News Tanzania

Kuna ajali ya Basi la MB imetokea usiku wa kuamkia leo maeneo ya Mikese Morogoro. Basi limegongana na gari lingine na kutumbukia kwenye Korongo.

Walo na taarifa kamili au picha tusaidiane katika kuhabarisha hii ajali. 

US nuclear missile damaged in silo by airmen in 2014

Habari News Tanzania

Maintenance errors by three airmen damaged a nuclear-armed missile in its silo in 2014, the US Air Force says.
It says the incident happened on 17 May that year, but caused no injuries and did not pose any risk to public safety.
The Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile was removed from the silo which was operated by the 90th Missile Wing in remote area of north-eastern Colorado.
The air force gave no further details, saying the report was classified.
In a brief summary, it said the missile "became non-operational" during a diagnostic test on 16 May 2014, according to the Associated Press news agency.
The next morning a "mishap crew" chief "did not correctly adhere to technical guidance'' during troubleshooting efforts, "subsequently damaging the missile".
The team chief and two of his airmen - who were not named - were removed from duty after the incident, the summary adds.
All three later returned to work after being retrained.

Cats, K-pop and spam

The strangest of weeks for Taiwan's new leader

'Method writing'

Could authors benefit from extreme surroundings?

Under the knife

Does cosmetic surgery really make people feel better?
Video 2:02

Enemy labour

The German prisoners of war who harvested US potatoes

Partying for Palmyra

Convincing us to care about the ancient past

Pointless gift?

A colouring book for blind people

President smiley face

Egyptian president’s face appears in unofficial emojis

10 things

Only seven women can wear white to meet the Pope, and more

Waswahili na utumwa wa simu za mkononi

Habari News Tanzania

Jamani hebu kidogo tutafakari hili, hakuna anayebisha au kukataa kwamba ujio wa simu za mikononi hasa hizi smart phones imesaidia kwa kiasi kikubwa usamabazaji wa habari na utumaji wa taarifa/habari kwa muda mfupi na kwa watu wengi sana, tatizo ninaloliona hasa kwa huku kwetu achilia mbali Africa nzima, tuiangalie Tanzania yetu tu kama mfano, matumizi ya simu yamekuwa kero kubwa sana maeneo mengi tu tunayojishughulisha kutafuta mkate wa kila siku, kuna watu hawafanyi kazi za uzalishaji kutwa na usiku mzima wako kweny instagram, fb , twitter na kwingineko ili mradi tu siku ameimalizia huko, ukiajiri kijana ofisini ndiyo kwanza umempa nafasi kutwa nzima kujipiga picha ku update accounts zake, assignment ulizompa utakuta sababu kibao, nyumbani mboga zinaungua kila siku kisa mke au housegirl yuko facebook!!kwenye magari ya abiria ndiyo usiseme imekuwa kama ushindani, kila abiria akwe amekaa au amesimama yuko kwa fb, insta nk, na ukichungulia hata kwa wizi utakuta hakuna cha maana zaidi ya ku like tu alichokiona!!! na mwingine anadiriki kumpigia simu mwenzie kumlaumu kwa nini haja like picha yake ya leo!!!!!

Sasa huwa najiuliza hivi huu utumwa hivi ni kweli wazungu walituletea ili watupumbaze akili zetu kama tulivyokuwa tunaambiwa zamani? maana nyumbani utagombana na mkeo, housegirl kazi hawafanyi ipasavyo kisa simu, ofisini utagombana na wafanyakazi wenzio au wako sababu simu, kwenye daladala unaweza kutukanwa ukigusa simu ya mtu akiwa ana like!!!!tena ukute ana like upumbavu tu.

Imefikia hatua hata kwenye nyumba za ibada wachungaji na mashekh hawasikilizwi tena na walio wengi waumini wanachat na kusoma habari za mitandaoni!!! huwa wanaitkia tu pale walipokariri lakini mahubiri hawasikilizi tena!!!

Huwa najiuliza hata maisha ya mtanzania ni ya kustaajabisha sana, unakuta mtu yuko tayari asile ila weke bundle ya elfu moja au mbili simu iwe hewani!!! na sasa hivi imekuja hii style ya headphones ndiyo balaa tupu yaani watu wamekuwa kama mazuzu hivi, hadi madereva wanaendesha magari wameweka headphones wanasikiliza redio wakati gari anayoendesha ina radio na hata kanuni za udereva haziruhusu hivyo vitu kwani huwezi kusikia lolote linalohusu chombo unachokiendesha lakini imekuwa ni balaa, abiria, kondakta mpaka dereva wote wamevaa headphones na radio ya gari sauti juu!!!! hapo sasa.
Hii kitu inakera sana, sikatai matumizi ya hivi vitu ila sasa imekuwa too much na inaonesha ulofa wetu ulivyo kwani ikija style nyingine woooooooote wanahamia huko, mzungu anafikiria mambo yake!!!!! 

Magazeti ya Tanzania yalichoandika leo January 23 2016 kwenye Udaku, Hardnews na michezo

Habari News Tanzania